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Farr Rising Verjuice (Pinot Noir)

Wine Collection
Farr Rising Verjuice (Pinot Noir)

Made from unripe grapes, our verjuice is made from young Pinot Noir, hand picked off the vines before the sugars rise and the grapes begin ripening. Verjuice is fantastic for slow cooking chicken, in place of wine or other vinegars, in home made salad dressings or simply add a dash to sparkling water. Closed with cork and a waxed seal, the perfect addition to gift hampers.

As the cold weather rolls in, and we all turn to slow cooking and braising, remember to try our Verjuice.  Perfectly paired with chicken, fantastic in place of vinegar in home made salad dressings, or add a dash to your sparkling water.  

You might like to try a variation of our chicken marinade:-


1/2 cup Verjuice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tsp each of dijon and wholegrain mustard
6 sprigs of soft herbs (sage, thyme, oregano...), leaves chopped
a couple of bay leaves
3-4 large strips of lemon zest.

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and season well.  Marinade chicken for minimum 30 minutes, longer if time permits.

Suggested Cooking
Roast in heavy dish with remaining marinade, 1 cup of chicken stock, sweet potato chunks, some shallots and garlic, for approximately 45 minutes or until cooked.  Stand for 10 minutes covered loosely with foil, and serve with greens.

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$14.00 / Bottle
Verjuice (Pinot Noir)
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Also from By Farr

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$130.00 / Bottle

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